Top 10 Formidable Birds of Prey

by World's Top Insider Team

The birds of prey have captivated humans with their unique abilities and distinctive features. Their physical appearance like sharp talons, exceptional range of vision and adaptations to a silent environment have intrigued all the hunters and people in the world. Most of the prey are scavengers that have a diverse range of diets. This feature or one of the characteristics help them combat the extremes of being endangered.

We’ll delve into ten interesting formidable birds of prey that are going to be very fascinating:


10) Martial Eagle:

Source: Wikipedia

The Martial Eagle is one of the largest African birds belonging to the eagle kingdom. It has distinguishing features like a wingspan which opens up to 8.5 feet, weight is about 6.2 kilograms and is an aggressive predator. It usually feeds on birds, mammals like baboons, lion cubs and antelopes. However, it has an excellent capability to hunt larger animals. According to resources, the species of Martial Eagle are hunted down by farmers who look at them as trouble for their livestock and farms. There have been made many efforts to preserve these endangered species of eagles.

9) Steller’s Sea Eagle:

Source: Wikipedia

The Steller’s Sea Eagle is another formidable bird of prey with inhabitants in Russia and Japan. Since the name itself suggests that it usually preys on fish like cod and salmon. It also can hunt down birds like cranes and swans. As a scavenger, it feeds on dead marine fishes and mammals. According to the Wildlife Conservation Department, the Steller’s species are endangered due to lead poisoning. Moreover, global warming and climate changes have impacted fish populations causing scarcity of marine fishes. This ultimately has led to endangered species of eagle.


8) Blakiston’s Fish Owl:

Source: Wikipedia

The Blakiston’s Fish Owl is one of the largest owl species in the world. It has inhabitants in remote areas of Japan and Siberia. The characteristics of this bird are described as the wingspan of a small eagle that is 6.6 feet long, weighs up to 4.5 kilograms and has distinctive yellow eyes with a large rounded head. As the name suggests the bird usually feeds on fishes like salmon and trout. It has an excellent range of vision and acute auditory sense. According to the wildlife IUCN list, the species of Blakiston’s is endangered currently.

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7) Golden Eagle:

Source: Wikipedia

The Golden Eagle is one of the powerful raptors that dominates the inhabitants of North America, Eurasia and Northern Africa. It weighs up to seven kilograms with a wingspan of up to 2 meters and piercing eyes. It has inhabitants that prey on rabbits, hares and large birds that opportunistically hunt other animals like foxes, sheep and goats. The female species of golden eagles are far more aggressive than males.

6) Philippine Eagle:

Source: Wikipedia

The Philippine Eagle is critically endangered and iconic. As the name suggests about its origins, it is exclusively found in the Philippines’ forests. It has distinct features like a sharp hooked beak and a feather “mane” that distinguishes it from other species. It weighs about 7 kilograms and has a wingspan of up to 2 meters. It usually feeds on monkeys, bats and other small mammals. According to the wildlife conservation departments, the species of Philippine eagle is endangered due to an increase in deforestation and hunting. The laws of the Philippines government have put efforts to protect the endangered species and put the country on the path of property, as the eagle is symbolic for the country.

5) Harpy Eagle:

Source: Wikipedia

The Harpy Eagle is known as one of the most majestic eagles in the world. It is usually renowned due to its exceptional strengths like having Talons that are longer than a bear’s claws, powerful grasp that is capable of breaking human bones and rounded wings. It usually preys on monkeys, and large birds like toucans and macaws and opportunistically hunts boas and reptiles. They’re usually solitary and monogamous. According to the wildlife conservation departments, the species of Harpy Eagle are endangered.

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4) Bearded Vulture:

Source: Wikipedia

The Bearded Vulture is known as a majestic vulture. It is found to be inhabiting Europe, Asia and Africa. It usually weighs up to 8 kilograms and wingspan of over three meters. Its distinctive features make it look majestic i.e. beard beard-like feathers on the chin and broad wings with a rounded tip. Vultures are usually scavengers hence, Bearded Vulture feeds on the bones and marrow of dead animals. According to many wildlife sources, these vultures also tend to kill tortoises and rodents and eat them. This is possible by cracking their shells open. According to Greek mythology, the legacy of the Bearded Vulture remains intact with Aeschylus’ legendary death.


3) Lappet Faced Vulture:

Source: Wikipedia

The Lappet-Faced Vulture inhabits in Savannahs of African and Arab regions of the world. They are heavyweight, ranging from 12 to 14 kilograms. Their distinctive features make them rare like large powerful beaks, lappet-like feathers and broad wings. It is a scavenger that feeds on flamingoes and antelopes. It has dominating characteristics hence, chases jackals and other scavengers to feed on other animals. According to the wildlife conservation departments, the species of Lappet Faced Vulture are on the red list of endangered species.


2) Eurasian Eagle Owl:

Source: Wikipedia

The Eurasian Eagle Owl also known as Bubo Bubo is one of the nocturnal predators with an exceptional range of vision. It is usually found to be inhabitable in the dense forests of Asia and Europe along with the dense mountains. It is said to weigh around 4.3 kilograms and has distinguished features like yellow eyes, a large rounded head and brownish-gray plumage. It usually preys on rodents, rabbits and hares.

According to wildlife history, there are renowned cases in which the Eurasian Eagle Owl has attacked humans and killed them. This notable incident shows that these owls can also prey on humans. Its diverse diet has cemented its place in IUCN making it the least endangered species of all.

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1) African Crowned Eagle:

Source: Wikipedia

The African Crowned Eagle is also known as Stephonaetus coronatus, one of Africa’s most formidable prey that reigns in tropical rainforests of Africa. It has physical characteristics like being three feet long, having distinguished features like crown-like feathers on its head and powerful talons. It preys on monkeys, Guinea fowl and many nocturnal primates. It’s found that the talons of African Crowned Eagles are so strong that they can crush into the skulls of animals within seconds. This is the reason which causes the instant death of its prey.

According to archeological studies and reports, a lineage of the African Crowned Eagle is found to be preyed on by early human ancestors. The evidence of sharp talons is found to be present in 2 million years old juvenile hominid skulls. According to wildlife history, there are renowned cases in which the African Crowned Eagle has attacked humans and killed them. Other than the breeding seasons, the eagle is found to be solitary inhabiting tropical rainforests and woodlands. It is threatened to be on the endangered list of IUCN due to human disturbances and prey depletion. It has exceptional eyesight and agility. This species is reputed in the world as the “Leopard in the Air”.


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