10 Most Fascinating Artifacts From Ancient Egypt

by World's Top Insider Team

The Ancient Egyptians, people who lived in the area along the Nile River for thousands of years, created one of the largest empires with numerous innovations in arts, architecture, as well as engineering technologies. How sophisticated were the Egyptians: From stunning pyramids to delicate symbols, everything presented by such a civilization can amaze even a contemporary man or woman. Here are 10 of the most fascinating artefacts from this bygone era:

10) The Great Pyramid of Giza:

Located on the outskirts of Cairo in the country of Egypt, undoubtedly the best-known pyramid of all is known as, the Great Pyramid of Giza. Constructed approximately in 2560 BC this voluminous and still imprecise edifice with accurately parallel walls and highly sophisticated hallways considered today is still unsurpassed as an engineering achievement.

Great Pyramid of Giza - World History Encyclopedia


9) The Rosetta stone:

The Rosetta stone was found by French soldiers in 1799; this stone is probably one of the most important stones in the world. It carried the same decree, composed in hieroglyphics, the demotic script, and alphabetic Greek that offered the means by which the hieroglyphs were to be read and thus the way into the language and culture of the first Egyptians.

File:Rosetta Stone.JPG - Wikimedia Commons


8) The Bust of Nefertiti:

This is an exquisite bust of Queen Nefertiti, the Great Royal Wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten solely for its beauty. Relief is made of limestone and painted presenting of the queen fairly with beautiful indication of the face, embodying the beauty and beauty of the eternal.

Nefertiti - World History Encyclopedia


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7) The Tutankhamen Mask:

This solid gold dressed funerary mask was located undamaged inside the burial chamber or the young pharaoh Tutankhamun. Centrally placed within the same room, it shows the young pharaoh in profile, with serene figure and majestic demeanour, surrounded by stylized sun discs and symbols, and dressed in rich, bejewelled regalia, including laps Pauli beads and turquoise and carnelian amulets; it provides an insight into the lavish taste of the court and the virtuosity of its artisans.

File:King Tut Mask front and back.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


6) The Book of the Dead:

This group of spells and incantations was meant to help the person in their precarious journey to the next world. Deadly, these scrolls depict vigorous scenes of the netherworld and judgment and provide a look into the peculiar death beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians.

Egyptian Book of the Dead - World History Encyclopedia


5) The Sphinx:

Much has been written about this mysterious symbol with lion body and human head standing at the gates of the Giza plateau for thousands of years. Eventually, what was its purpose and how it was created still remains a mystery and gives the castle it’s irresistible to countless numbers of people.

brown concrete statue under blue sky during daytime

4) The Canopic Jars:

These four pots are culprit form – narrow necked cylindrical jars which were employed to hold organs of the deceased that are likely to have been removed during the process of mummification. Tragically, such fits were no longer produced making these jars invaluable for better understanding of the complex ceremony of giving death and life.

File:Canopic Jar Representing the Deity Hapy MET 12.183.1b.1-2 EGDP015635.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


3) The Dander Temple:

Evident as the main religious building of the 18th dynasty dedicated to the goddess Hathor, this temple is best known for its elaborate incisions and the star-studded roof. The ceiling of the hypostyle hall contains the imagery of the Milky Way, to display skills in the astronomy the ancient Egyptians possessed.

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Image from page 42 of "Die alder vermaertste antique edifi… | Flickr


2) The Valley of the Kings:

This valley situated in the western Thebes which nestled under the cliffs of the Theban mountains contain the burial tombs of many of Egypt’s pharaohs; include king Tutankhamun, Rameses the Great and set the First With the tombs lying hidden in a rocky valley, the explorations offer a fascinating way to uncover the unknown mysteries about the afterlife and lives of the pharaohs.

Valley of the Kings (Illustration) - World History Encyclopedia


1) The Abu Simple Temples:

These two brilliant temples which dedicated to Ramses II and his royal wife Nefertiti were moved from their original site to reflect their current status in the 1960s due to the water invasion from Lake Nasser. The large statues of Ramses II depicted at the entrance of the main temple are still impressive with the size or partisanship.

These are only some of the many-masterpieces which deliver from the desert of time depicting the great and convoluted structure of the civilization of Ancient Egypt. These treasures are remain as a mysterious and marvellous puzzle for all generations that show us how smart a nation is to impress a contemporary audience.

Abu Simbel - World History Encyclopedia


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