10 Comic Books Deemed Too Hot to Handle

by World's Top Insider Team

Throughout the world, comic books have served as a medium to share thoughts through too bold and controversial contexts. These contexts usually serve as a satire of the current third-world problems. With intriguing and interesting stories and ideas, people around the world enjoy these with great interest. Some comics also contain graphics that might be too adult or shocking. 

These kinds of comics have already raised questions and backlash among the audiences and the fans. Many editors and publishers were brought into the spotlight to express their concerns and reasons behind the portrayal of explicit characters in their comics. Many editors have expressed their apologies and revised the editions. However, many editions were limited editions and were limited as censored versions explicitly for adults. 

We’ll talk about the top ten comics that are considered to be too hot or controversial for readers to read, containing such topics and themes that will shock the fans and readers:


10) King Conan:

Source: Wikipedia

King Conan is Marvel Comics’ most controversial comic. When it was launched, it faced severe criticism and was a topic of controversy. The controversy was based on the portrayal of its female character “Mataoka” which was inspired by Pocahontas. Her revealing and bold costume hurt the sentiments of Native Americans. 

According to the critics, the comic overly sexualized the historical figure despite knowing the crisis women faced in Native America. The author apologized and promised to revise the character in future editions.


9) DC Giant-Sized Superman:

Source: Comic Book Realm

The DC Giant-Sized Superman was re-edited by Walmart to increase its sales through new re-prints. They tried to bring changes to the female characters of the comic book. The changes that were made further revealed less exposure to the female body. These changes that were brought under the spotlight were the upper thighs more covered and the bodysuit covering more of the female character’s body. 

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8) Heroes in Crisis:

Source: Wikipedia

The issue cover of Heroes in Crisis was the most controversial issue when it was released in 2019. The cover posed a character bleeding from the side of her head and slashed wrist. Moreover, her cleavage was visible too making her too sexy for the fans and audiences which was inappropriate. So, the comic was revised to modify the changes to the original version and the cleavage was covered. The bloody details were also covered to give it a look of red ribbon. Although, the violent elements persisted but sexualized cover was revised. 


7) Miracle Man:

Source: Wikipedia

The Miracleman comic was first released in 2014. As the editor, took reins to oversee the production and comic stories he made many changes. The protagonist was transformed into an anti-hero who became involved in many criminal activities. The same version was then revised for the 18+ age group because the buttocks of the female protagonist were visible in the comic book. While, in the censored version the buttocks were covered with the underpants. 


6) Spider-Woman:

Source: Wikipedia

The Spider Woman comic was revised for a variant cover for the special edition. It showed the bare parts of the character clearly visible. The peach and pink hues with a suggestive pose of legs apart and revealing figure was very sexualizing for its fans and audiences. Upon the protests and backlash , the editor sincerely apologised as it was just a limited edition for the fans and audiences. 


5) Batman:

Source: Wikipedia

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The Batman’s first issue appeared in the company’s uncensored comic series. Its first issue consisted of the character of Batman that revealed nudity. The genitals of the character were fully outlined, not visible. This sparked a controversy, DC decided to censor the images by removing the outlines of nudity. The revised panel made some changes to the body so it doesn’t show more revealing details as promised with their fans.


4) The Authority:

Source: Wikipedia

The Authority comics were created by Wildstorm. It faced a lot of backlash due to the inclusion of the characters that were parallel in the comic. In one of the pages, Apollo and Midnighter characters appeared to be gay as they were allowed to be kissed in the issue. This raised a lot of concerns for its fans, who assumed all the other characters of the DC were also gay. Another concern was the offensive use of the “middle finger”. It posed a lot of backlash from the fans and was later revised as the victory sign “V” to avoid any offense in the future.


3) Batwoman or Catwoman:

Source: Wikipedia

The cover of Batwoman and Catwoman sparked controversy due to the graphic depiction of the violence and abuse. The issue raised a lot of questions and was revised to give it a little dramatic and emotional twist. The face of Batman was more revealing with the revealing vessels and blood which posed him as a hero. The police officer showed signs of violence which highlighted the fact that even police officers can be beaten. It brought an emotional element to the comics to sympathize with its fans and audience.

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2) Dark Knights of Steel:

Source: Wikipedia

The Dark Knights of Steel comic highlighted vengeance and revenge in a complex plot. The female protagonist and Superman’s sister, Zala-Jor-El sought revenge for her father’s murder as he was assassinated by Green Man on account of a King. 

Zala-Jor-El embarked on a mission to destroy the people who killed her father atrociously. She had no fear and rage was pumping through her veins. As she is embarked on her quest of killing, the editor portrays graphics that show bloodshed and violence. Her killing style and violence were censored so they didn’t trigger their fans and audience. The sounds of crushing the enemies was also censored to not trigger its fans and audiences.


1) Punisher:

Source: Wikipedia

The Punisher comic character made his debut in 1974. During the era of crimes and violence, the character of Punisher was portrayed in a way to shows violent tendencies and murderous vigilance. To highlight the current situations during that time, the character was depicted with guns and weapons. Later, when violence was extinguished the character was remodelled. This time the character was remodelled with a resemblance to a Japanese demon. The new character was not enjoyed by the audiences and fans, it didn’t highlight its current nature. Instead, the changes were unsuitable for modern audiences.

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