Top 10 Revolutionary Moments in Women’s History

by World's Top Insider Team


Through major times women changed how society operated while creating new pathways for both equality and personal strength. The breakthrough moments have created better opportunities for everyone. Read about the top 10 transformative moments that changed how women serve their roles in society.

10) Seneca Falls Convention in New York 

In 1848 a group of women held the Seneca Falls Convention in New York State to establish equality with men.

In July 1848 New York hosted the Seneca Falls Convention which became the first official women’s rights gathering in US history. Through their work, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott launched the Seneca Falls Convention which created the Declaration of Sentiments and its demands for equal rights plus voting power. At the convention’s start, the women’s rights movement began its years-long journey toward equality.

File:Wesleyan Methodist Church Seneca Falls NY.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


9) Women’s Right to Vote: The 19th Amendment (1920)

The American people finally won voting rights for women when they approved the 19th Amendment to their national charter in 1920. Suffrage supporters Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton took the lead to win this victory. The successful movement created political changes for women in all nations and remade democracy through its power.

March 6, 1920 | The 19th amendment allowing women to vote wa… | Flickr


8) During the 1960s through 1980s women fought for their liberation

During the second wave of feminism, people worked to ensure equal job opportunities while fighting for reproductive choices and sex discrimination elimination. In 1963 the United States passed the Equal Pay Act to protect against gender workplace bias while in 1972 under Title IX education institutions eliminated sexual discrimination rules. Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem led important actions during an era of powerful transformation.

The End of Feminism | Hoover Institution The End of Feminism


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7) The Year 1911 Saw International Women’s Day Launch

In its socialist origins, International Women’s Day fought for improved work standards and political rights for women. People worldwide use this occasion to recognize success while demanding an end to gender unfairness. This day continues to motivate support actions all over the world every year on March 8.

Vogue Magazine 1 Sep 1911 - Public domain portrait print - PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Image

6) The Role of Women in World War II (1939-1945)

When World War II started women joined the workforce en masse for the first time to replace men in typical male roles. During World War II women symbols like Rosie the Riveter helped people understand that women could achieve anything on their own. This time showed that women can compete in all types of work against men.

Women at War 1939-1945 TR2594, World War II photo - PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Image


5) Yousafzai started working in 2009 

At age thirteen Yousafzai started working in 2009 to help girls attend school.

After the Taliban tried to kill her Malala Yousafzai began traveling worldwide to defend girls’ right to learn. Through her activism, Malala launched the Malala Fund which fights for girls to receive education across the globe. In 2014 she earned the Nobel Peace Prize to become its youngest recipient.

File:Girls' education rights campaigner and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai at Girl Summit 2014 (14714344864) (cropped).jpg - Wikimedia Commons


4) The King of Saudi Arabia 

The King of Saudi Arabia signed the order to allow women to drive vehicles across Saudi Arabia in 2018.

Saudi Arabia kept women from getting behind the wheel as a driving restriction for many years. Following years of women’s rights demonstrations, the driving ban was removed in 2018 to advance women’s rights across Saudi Arabia. To make society more accepting of equal rights the government took this step alongside other changes at the time.

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File:King Abdullah of Saudia.png - Wikimedia Commons

3) The #MeToo Movement began in 2017 and continues to make progress

In 2017 the #MeToo movement emerged as a worldwide campaign to fight sexual abuse and harassment. When survivors spoke out their actions forced many influential people to answer for their misconduct. The movement has caused both social and legal reforms that protect workers against workplace dangers while reshaping relations between men and women.

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2) Women enhanced STEM research and supported space missions

NASA’s early victories depended on the pioneering work of Katherine Johnson Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan as shown in Hidden Figures. Through their scientific work, women proved that they could be leading experts in STEM and encouraged young people worldwide to enter STEM careers.

NASA Goddard Hosts Young Women for STEM Girls Night In | Flickr


1) Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995 

Women worldwide endorsed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995

At the Fourth World Conference on Women, leaders created this blueprint to drive global action for gender balance. Through the work of 189 signatory nations, this platform defined initiatives to support women’s educational progression and healthcare advancement alongside preventing abuse from occurring. Leading the international movement for women’s empowerment it keeps guiding worldwide initiatives.

CSW64 - Opening of the 64th Session of the Commission of … | Flickr


Throughout history, revolutionary events display the unwavering dedication and strength of women. Although we made advances the struggle to achieve complete equality goes on. 

Our celebrations recognize the pioneers who did the hard work before us and motivate younger people to keep extending their accomplishments.


1. What made the Seneca Falls Convention stand out in US history?

The first group in America to fight for women’s rights created the beginning of the suffrage movement in history.

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2. How did the passage of the 19th Amendment change women’s legal rights?

Women earned political equality when voters added their names to the list.

3. What matters most are the endeavors of the Women’s Liberation Movement.

The movement worked to end job bias protected female health choices and battled organizational sexism.

4. How did Malala Yousafzai earn her revolutionary title?

She took global champion status to support equal school opportunities for girls.

5. What important changes did the Beijing Declaration create?

This document set up a complete system to advance women’s rights worldwide and continues to serve as the central source for worldwide women’s rights activism.


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